Websites by Suzanne


Your Questions

To let us help you

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It includes updates for the WordPress core, all plugins and all themes that can be updated through the standard updating process. Updates requiring a manual reinstall or a manual update are not included in this service. They are updated using development hours.

Updates are performed once weekly.

Monday – Friday 9a-4p EST.

If a WordPress core, plugin, or theme update breaks your website we’ll either fix it or restore a backup. We always have a site backup available before we apply updates and test after. Sometimes plugins aren’t compatible with the latest version of WordPress or they are no longer being maintained by their developer. In those cases, we’ll do our best to find a replacement to recommend. Time for these tasks are not included in the monthly service. Time is charged using development hours.

No. We believe in earning your business month after month, and you can cancel your service with us at any time. 

We accept payment through PayPal and Stripe, which accept all major credit cards including Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and American Express. 

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